Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Notes of -Happy Prince-English

The Happy Prince
         muttered - mumbled
         flew – past tense of fly
         tire - lose interest in; become bored with
         pity – sympathy or mercy

Answer the following:

Q1.Why was the Prince called ‘The Happy Prince’?
A- The Prince had everything he wanted, he never dreamt of crying for anything and so he was called ‘The Happy Prince’.

 Q2.What was special about the Prince’s statue?
A-The Prince’s statue was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, his eyes were made of two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. 

Q3. What did the Happy Prince request the swallow to do ? Why do you think he did this?
A-The Happy Prince was standing on a tall column and could easily see the ugliness and misery. He requested the swallow to stay with him and be his messenger in helping the needy with the gold and gems from his statue.

Q4. Why did the swallow stay back with  the Happy Prince?Do you think he did the right thing?
A-The Swallow was kind hearted and so stayed back with the lonely Prince out of pity and compassion. The Prince had been generous in helping all those he could. The swallow brought disaster upon himself knowing well that he could not withstand(tolerate) the cold winter. The Prince also did not realize that he was being harsh on the swallow.

Q5. ‘It is curious,’he remarked, ‘but I feel quite warm now, Although it is so cold.’ Who said this and why?
A-The Swallow said these words after he had delivered the ruby from the sword of the Prince to a poor seamstress. He felt warm because he had done a good deed.

Q6. Why did the Angel choose the lead heart and the dead bird?
A- The Angel chose the lead heart and the dead bird because the two had helped the needy without a regard to their own selves.

Q7. Do you think this story has a sad ending?
 Why do you think the author gave the story a sad
A-The story has a sad ending to show the ultimate
sacrifice of the Prince and swallow while helping

Q8. When did the Swallow decide to stay with the Prince forever?
A- The Happy Prince asked the swallow to give the sapphires from its eyes to the playwright and the match girl. The swallow felt that the  Prince had become blind and hence would need him now.

 Q9.What did the swallow do when winter
 set in? 
A-The swallow stole crumbs from the baker and
 tried to keep himself warm by flapping it’s

 Q10. Why did the Mayor and the Councillors
decide to pull down the statue? 
A-The statue was looking unattractive because
 it had lost the gold leaves covering it and also
 the sparkling jewels in its eyes and in the
sword hilt. 

2) Complete the following sentences. 
a) Just as the Swallow was about to sleep
between the feet of the statue, drops of
water fell on him and he decided to move
 to another resting place.
b) The swallow flew over the city and saw
 the rich enjoying themselves in their
beautiful houses while the starving beggars
sat outside the gates.