Tuesday, February 11, 2020



1-        What is the face of the moon compared to?
The face of the moon is compared to the clock in the hall.

2-        Which creatures love to be out in darkness?
 Creatures like the cat, mouse, dog, and bat love to be out in darkness.

3-        Who waits for the morning to be awake?
The flo­wers and children wait for the morning to be awake.

4-        When do you find the bats asleep?
The bats are asleep at noon .

5- What does the moon do at night?
 The moon shines on the fields, streets and quays and on all beings that are active and awake at night.

6-  Where are the birds found asleep?  
Birds sleep on forks of trees.

7-For how long do the flowers and the children sleep ?
The flowers and the children sleep till the sun rises.
1)        What gender has the poet given to the moon? Site lines from the poem that tell you so.
The poet has given the feminine gender to the moon. Lines from the poem - ‘She shines on thieves on the garden wall.’ ‘cuddle to sleep to be out of her way.’

2)        Identify the figures of speech used in the poem .
Simile‘The moon has a face like the clock in the hall’ (Face of the moon compared to a face of the clock.)
 Personification – ‘The moon has a face like the clock in the hall; She shines on thieves on the garden wall.’ (The moon is personified as a woman with a face)
 Alliteration - ‘The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse (the repetition of the consonant sound-‘s’)
Onomatopoeia- The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse ,the howling dog by the door of the house(the natural sound of the animals is mentioned in this line).

3)How has the poet described the moon in the poem?
The poet has given the moon a feminine quality of having a face like a face of the clock that shines upon streets, fields and quays and brings to light all those that are active during the night and also those that are asleep.

4) The following words have two/ three meanings.  
a) light: The two travellers saw a faint light at a distance and began walking towards it.

: My bag was light so I could easily carry it up to the room.
b) fork: We came upon a fork on the road and did not know which way to go.

: She learnt to use the fork and knife to eat food.
c) lie: The yoga instructor asked everyone to lie on their stomach.

: We knew he told us the truth, for he did not lie.         

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