Sunday, June 30, 2019

Practice Sheet of -Anti, ante-English Symphonics

Answer key of Symphonics workbook -'anti', 'ante'

Commonly misspelled words ‘ante’ or ‘anti’

Pg   5 - 9
a.    anticlockwise
b.    antenatal
c.    antisocial
d.    ante script
e.    antemeridian
f.     anticlimax

a.    antidote
b.    antenatal
c.    antiseptic
d.    antisocial
e.    anticlimax
f.     anticlockwise
a.    anti-inflammatory:
Meaning: a medicine used to reduce inflammation
Sentence: Student specific
b.    antemeridian
Meaning: occurring before noon
Sentence: Student specific
c.    antibody:
Meaning: proteins produced in bloods fights diseases and harmful bacteria’s
Sentence: Student specific
d.    ante script:
Meaning: a note or passage written above or before (opposite of post script)
Sentence: Student specific
e.    antibacterial:
Meaning: active against bacteria
Sentence: Student specific

Conduct the exercise as instructed in the Lesson Plan
1.    antechamber, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, antidotes

2.    As they entered the antechamber to the clinic they were greeted by a receptionist who requested them to wash their hands with an antiseptic soap.

3.    antechamber- a small room leading to the big one.

4.    venom

5.    rack

6.    antenatal

7.    a. chamber
b. body
c. social
d. natal

Friday, June 28, 2019

EVS Practice Sheet on Space Expedition.

            Practice Sheet on Space Expedition.
1.       How to become an astronaut?
2.       Why a spacesuit is worn?
3.       What are the names of space technology, research institute of India and U.S.A.
4.       What do you mean by the term no/zero gravity?
5.       What will happen if gravity is turned around?
6.       What will happen to the water in rivers and oceans if there is no gravity?
7.       What will happen to the flame of matchstick, in case of no gravity?
8.       How many astronauts can fly at a time in a space shuttle?
9.       Name the combination of gases used in the fuel of the space shuttle?
10.   What do astronauts eat in space?
11.   Who is the first person to orbit the earth?
12.   Who was the commander of the first spaceflight to orbit the moon?

HINDI NOTES कर्ण का दान

कर्ण का दान
       कठिन शब्द               अर्थ
१.    करुण                  दुखद
२.    निकट                  समीप , पास
३.    सहायता                 मदद
४.    भेंट                    उपहार
५.    दीन                    गरीब
   दिए गए शब्दों के अर्थ लिखकर वाक्य बनाइए : ( गृह कार्य )
१.    भिक्षा -    भीख , खैरात
२.    अपवित्र -  अशुद्‍ध
३.    स्मरण -   याद
४.    शीघ्र -     जल्दी
५.    सृष्टि     -    दुनिया  
Ø अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द :
१.    दान देने वाला           - दानवीर
२.    जिससे जान–पहचान हो    - परिचित
३.    सुरक्षा के लिए पहना गया बाहरी आवरण  - कवच

Ø नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के एक वाक्य में उत्तर लिखिए :
    प्र-१ इंद्र ने सेवक द्वारा किसे बुलवाया ?
    उ-१ इंद्र ने सेवक द्वारा वरूण को बुलवाया ।
    प्र-२ कर्ण किस कारण प्रसिद्ध थे ?
    उ-२ कर्ण अपनी वीरता और दानी स्वभाव की वजह से प्रसिद्‍ध   
        थे ।
    प्र-३ युद्‍धभूमि में इंद्र किस समय पहुँचे थे ?
    उ-३ इंद्र युद्‍धभूमि  में सूर्यास्त के समय पहुँचे थे ।
Ø प्रश्‍नों के उत्तर लिखिए :
प्रश्‍न १. इंद्र के मन में कर्ण की दानशीलता की परीक्षा लेने का
       विचार कब आया ?
उत्तर १. जब कर्ण कुरुक्षेत्र के मैदान में घायल पड़े थे, उस
      समय वह बहुत करुण और दीन अवस्था में थे । यह
      जानकर इंद्र के मन में भिक्षा माँगकर कर्ण की
      दानशीलता की परीक्षा लेने का विचार आया । 
प्रश्‍न २. इंद्र ने वरुण को बुलाकर उनसे क्या कहा ?
उत्तर २. इंद्र ने वरुण को बुलाकर उनसे कहा, मित्र वरुण!
                कर्ण की दानप्रियता से तो तुम पहले से परिचित हो
      सभी देवता भी उसकी वीरता और दानी स्वभाव की
               चर्चा  करते नहीं थकते । मुझे स्वयं उससे ईर्ष्या होती
               है । वरुण ! आज वह कुरुक्षेत्र के मैदान में घायल     
               अवस्था में पड़ा है । चलो, उससे भिक्षा माँगकर
               उसकी परीक्षा लेते हैं ।
प्रश्‍न ३. कर्ण ने अपने सोने के दाँत को स्वच्छ करने के लिए  
       क्या किया  ?
उत्तर ३. कर्ण ने अपने सोने के दाँत को स्वच्छ करने के लिए
       धनुष उठाकर बाण चलाया , जिससे पानी की धारा
                  बह निकली ।
प्रश्‍न ४. इंद्र और वरुण ने पत्थर उठाकर कर्ण को देने से इंकार
       क्यों कर दिया ?  
उत्तर ४. इंद्र और वरुण किसी अपवित्र वस्तु को हाथ नहीं
       लगाते और फिर वह तो युद्‍धभूमि में पड़ा अपवित्र  
       पत्थर था । इसलिए उन्होने पत्थर उठाकर कर्ण को
       देने से इंकार कर दिया । 

Thursday, June 27, 2019



New Words
1.       Gravity
2.        Space
3.        Spacesuit
4.        Space shuttle
5.        Vacuum
6.        Astronaut
7.         Spationaut
8.         Cosmonaut
9.         Taikonaut
10.                   Unanimously
11.                   Scuba diving
12.                   Cumbersome
13.                   Weightlessness
14.                   Inquisitive
15.                   Yuri Gagarin
16.                   Valentina Tereshkova
17.                   Neil Armstrong
18.                   Columbia
19.                   Foreign
20.                   Resistance


Q-1) Define:
1) Space Expedition: Space expedition is a journey to space, undertaken by a group of people with a definite objective.
2) Astronaut: An astronaut is a person who travels into space and collect more information about it.
3) Man-made satellite: An artificial body placed in an orbit round the Earth or another planet in order to collect information or for communication.
4) No gravity or zero gravity:  No gravity or zero gravity is the condition of weightlessness occurring in a body with no resistance. The body moves around freely.
5)  Vacuum : A space where all or most of the air is removed.
6) Scuba-diving : Scuba diving is a mode of underwater  diving in which the diver uses a self- contained water breathing  machine (scuba) which is completely independent of surface supply, to breathe underwater.

 Q-2) State the importance of space suits.
1) Spacesuit protects the astronauts from getting too hot or cold and from dangers of being outside in space.
2)  The spacesuit holds water to drink and also gives oxygen to breathe.
3)  The spacesuit protects astronauts from getting hurt by space dust.
4) It has a gold lined shade which protects their eyes from sunlight.

Q-3)  What Basic skills an astronaut should possess?
Ans: (a) Scuba diving (diving deep under water) skills.
         (b) Medical skills.
         (c) Should know foreign languages.
         (d) Need sound knowledge of Science and space technology.

Q-4) Why do astronauts learn scuba-diving?
Ans - Scuba-diving helps the astronauts to prepare for spacewalk and feel the absence of weight (weightlessness) as they would do in space. Any time an astronaut needs to get out of the vehicle while in space, it is called a spacewalk.

Q-5) What is space shuttle? Explain.
Ans: a) A space shuttle is a spacecraft similar to a rocket and an airplane.
b) The space shuttle is used for sending people into space.
c)   The space shuttle allows humans to explore boundaries outside the Earth’s atmosphere.
d) Seven astronauts can fly at one time in one space shuttle.
e) The combination of oxygen and hydrogen gases is used in the fuel of the space shuttle.
f)    The space shuttles are remarkable machines as they travel swiftly and can get away from the Earth’s gravity.
g)  The journey to space from the Earth’s surface is completed in just 8 ½ minutes.

Q-6) What are the difficulties faced by astronauts in space?
Ans - The difficulties faced by astronauts in space are:
1) Absence of gravity – weightlessness, leads to immunity problems and weak eyesight.
2) Excessive space debris (waste of space).
3) Food- shrink-wrapped meals and water
4) Deadly space radiations.     

Q-7. How do astronauts live in space?
1) Food is kept in plastic containers.
2) Cold water is added to some foods to bring back their texture.
3) Foods such as fruits, breads and nuts are consumed as they are. Straws are used to drink liquids.

Q-8. How astronauts maintain personal hygiene?
 Ans: Astronauts wipe themselves with alcohol or use a wet towel which has liquid soap to wash hands and faces. After washing, they use dry towels to dry themselves as running water cannot be used for washing hands, etc.

Home work.
Q 1.What is the full form of NASA?
Q2. What do the astronauts use as a fuel for space shuttle?